Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Rhode Island 10 Hour Construction Course Online Offering

With the fall weather being what it was, the time could not be any better for a safety-training lesson. Here at Online OSHA Safety Training, we wanted everyone out there in the Ocean State of Rhode Island to know that we feel the sting of the coming winter storms. These monsters of a system can and will dump so much snow and ice on top of Rhode Island and most of the surrounding states, we felt it would be cool (no pun intended) if we warmed up things with a little posting concerning the requirements for the RhodeIsland OSHA 10 Hour Construction Industry Outreach Training Course.

Rhode Island OSHA 10 Hour Construction

Rhode Island construction workers, who are setting their sights on being employed as soon as the winter conditions depart, and the construction industry rebounds, in the Northeast and Midwest, are required to take the Rhode Island OSHA 10 Hour Construction Course. The great part of registering and enrolling into the 10 hour safety training course offered online at Online OSHA Safety Training, comes from the ability to not have to travel farther than a few feet to the home computer!

Cold Winter of 2011-2012

This is the best news that we have heard in quite some time and we know, deep down in our hearts, that all of the Rhode Island construction workers, who froze their tales off this past winter, feel the same way. The winter storms have been intense recently in the state of Rhode Island as well as through a good portion of the continental United States. Everyone seemed to be either snowed-in or iced-in and that means we all must use our heads when travelling through the wintery conditions each season.

OSHA Safety Resource Leader

We hope everyone is safe and warm right now and pray that there are no more fatalities from the storms that kept on dumping snow and ice on Rhode Island. At Online OSHA Safety Training, we take great pride in understanding what sacrifice it takes in order to better oneself and rise to the occasion. What we are predominantly discussing is when the opportunity arises for a great job on a construction site, that you are not alone when trying hard to place yourself in that position, and bring home funds for the family!

Ocean State Construction Worker

At Online OSHA Safety Training, it is important that you know the facts, about weather conditions and how to best defend yourself, when working in these dangerous, climatic conditions. We will be providing you, the Ocean State construction worker, with a plethora of great, construction worker safety training, along with your very own library of safe workplace and worksite resources. All you have to do is stay warm and keep everyone inside as much as possible during this 2011-2012 winter storm season.  

US Federal Government and OSHA

The US Federal Government, through OSHA, recommends Outreach Training Program courses as an effective resource to occupational safety and health for workers covered by OSHA 29 CFR 1926. Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive an OSHA 10-Hour Construction Outreach DOL course completion card within 3-8 weeks.
OSHA has accepted the OSHA 10-hour Construction Industry Outreach Training course for online distribution.

Course Description

The 10-hour Construction Industry Outreach Training Program was created in an effort to provide industry-entering workers a format for initial safety and health working standards. Construction workers from all types if sectors will find this course great for not only their workplace safety but also the overall safety of the entire crew!

Learning Outcomes

At the conclusion of this course, the student will be able to:

State Purpose of OSHA Act as well as the functions of OSHA

List OSHA Inspection Mandates and Understand Inspections

Basic Requirements for Proper Aisle and Passageway Maintenance

Floor Opening Protection

Understand Importance of Effective Fire Safety Egress Programs 

1 comment:

  1. I always tell my co workers and my friends that taking courses such as 10 hr osha training is one of the best thing to do so we can increase our very own safety in the workplace. It is also one of the best ways on how we can keep a job or get one that we want because a lot of companies are prioritizing workers with this kind of training.
