Wednesday, June 16, 2010

OSHA 10 Hour Construction in New York

In the United States there exist certain mandatory OSHA safety training requirements that cover the entire country. While some States see OSHA safety training and the safety of their workers as the most important aspect of a day on the job on a construction site some take it a step farther and mandate that at the very least an OSHA 10-Hour Construction Safety Training course be implemented before strapping on a hard hat. Those States include Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Missouri, Nevada and the Great Empire State of New York.

Department of Labor’s and OSHA’s Requirement for the 10-Hour Safety Training Course in NY

Today we will focus on New York’s OSHA requirement as well as the Department of Labor’s requirement for all construction workers either present or future to be well-versed and a card-carrying OSHA compliant 10-hour construction safety course regulated employee. Please do not look at this as a sentence as everyone who is involved on a construction site project either public or private will certainly benefit from knowing at least a few of the most essential safety actions so that they can save their own lives and the lives of their coworkers. Safety is everyone’s concern and inasmuch safety on a construction site is of utmost importance.

Online OSHA Safety Training

This is why Online OSHA Safety Training offers the OSHA 10-Hour Construction Safety Training Course for the State of New York. The entire course is online and the steps from enrolling and registering to sitting down and actually taken the final examination so that you can be a card-carrying OSHA compliant safety training professional in the state of New York can happen in a remarkably short time. That’s the beauty of the Internet these days and the combination of Online OSHA Safety Training coupled with the power of the Internet and the availability and accessibility of the OSHA 10-hour construction course makes for a very easy and navigable journey to OSHA compliance.

Value and Benefits of Safety Education

Please have a quick look at the details of the 10-hour OSHA construction safety training course that is currently being offered at Online OSHA Safety Training. We feel this is the best way for you to see and understand all there is to know about safety compliance while working on a construction project in New York. The course description and benefits listed below will certainly inspire you to become OSHA compliant and educated in everything that is required of a construction worker while on a public construction site in the Great State of New York.

10 Hour OSHA Construction Safety Training Course in New York Learning Objectives:
• Defines and Breaks Down the OSH Act and Notates and Defines the Overall Functions of OSHA
• List and Defines the OSHA Inspection Responsibilities and Identifies the Inspection Process
• Defines the Rights and Responsibilities of the Employers and Employees Pertaining to OSHA Act
• Identifies and Defines Basic Requirements for Correct Aisle and Passageway Maintenance
• Defines Guidelines for Identification and Provides Details for Correct Floor Opening
• Certifies Effectiveness and Importance of Understanding Concepts of Egress Fire Protection Program

1 comment:

  1. This article is very informative. OSHA construction safety is just great. It provides safety of the workers on a construction site. This will provide with a good strategy of planning, training and inspections.
