Friday, March 18, 2011

Online OSHA Safety Training Set to Make Contribution to the Japan Earthquake

There is one safety-training educator and firm, which stands head and shoulders above all others, in the role of supporting their fellow man, regardless of where that need may be located. The tragedy, that is continually unfolding in the Far East, has touched all of our hearts and made Online OSHA Safety Training a bright beacon in a world of pain. By allocating monetary resources and preparing to board a plane to the battered country of Japan, the executive directors as well as a dedicated team of safety and health employees of the firm, have proved they are very serious about their role as rescuers.

Bob Malhotra Executive Vice President of OOST

In a company interview set over a light lunch in the coastal town of Amelia Island, Florida, we caught up with one of the co-founders of Online OSHA Safety Training and the conversation was quite compelling. Bob Malhotra, the Executive Vice President of OOST (Online OSHA Safety Training) told us that his company will and has matched their employee’s donation for the relief effort of Japan’s worst earthquake, ever, dollar for dollar, with no cap. That has meant a donation to an unspecified Japanese relief organization of 11,500.00, to date. Bob went on to tell us that he anticipates this relief drive to go on through the next few months and maybe longer and insisted that Online OSHA Safety Training will be there through it all for the good people of Japan.

Scott Johnson Co-Founder and Vice President of Online OSHA Safety Training

At the same luncheon, Scott Johnson, the co-founder and Vice President of Online OSHA Safety Training, chimed in with these words of support and appreciation, "We live in the greatest country in the world but when the world needs us, we will be there for them. OOST has strong roots in the American workplace and we believe in offering our assistance, any way possible and I myself am literally floored by the outpouring that my team members have demonstrated.”

Taylor Tremor Senior Writer for OOST

Scott goes on to say, “I have urged our employees to contribute and help the Red Cross get enough relief to our friends in the Far East, and they have responded with unprecedented voracity. We start with trust and this is the right thing to do!” Before the luncheon closed and everyone returned to their rooms, Taylor Tremor, Senior Writer for OOST, made it back from an interview with a local newspaper, just in time to offer his comments about the role of OSHA safety training amidst the Japanese disaster. “The island nation of Japan, long standing friend and ally of the United States, is being relieved by not only a fleet of top-notch US Naval air-craft carriers and battleships, but also an outpouring of the hearts of all that see a need, in the world and respond immediately, to that need. As safety training educators we must do what is necessary to alleviate suffering in the world, even if that means hopping the next plane to Tokyo!” Taylor Tremor immediately rushed off to catch that spoken of plane and by now is somewhere over the Pacific Ocean on his way to Tokyo, Japan.

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