Along with the biggest football victory that the school has ever seen, the Auburn National Championship football team along with the normal entourage must not rest as there is one more hurdle left before a home based celebration can occur. Mother Nature has teamed up with Old Man Winter in an effort to stop the real drive of the year, referring to the state of the Deep South and the wintery blasts that are now sacking this normally temperate region.
War Eagles Nip Ducks in the Tail!
With the highways and the byways of northern Alabama demonstrating how dangerous and life threatening a winter blizzard in the Deep South can be, it was still a 50/50 shot for the national Champions to make it to hilly and frozen solid, Auburn, Alabama. As of the date of this posting, most of the major highways and veins running into the campus of Auburn University were shut down or still being cleared of a foot of ice and snow.
Safe driving in these wintery conditions is a no-brainer and the attention of the bus drivers for the team must be on full alert and unmolested. At Online OSHA Safety Training we know all too well how dangerous slippery roads can be and can only imagine what it is like to maneuver a 10,000 pound bus full of excited if not exhausted National Champions!
OSHA 10 Hour Construction Course
On a side note, the construction workers as well as the residents that must make the daily commute to the site or work are on the minds of millions of families who love these hardworking Alabamians. The construction workers hopefully have taken the OSHA 10 Hour Construction Course that has a section on safe operation of heavy machinery in severe weather conditions. We feel that everyone could benefit from this safety-training course and would not limit the opportunity to keep one vehicle safe and stop the access to safety for others.
Auburn Athletic Dorms
We are all praying for a safe and happy return trip all the way back to the Auburn Athletic Dorms in Auburn, Alabama for these victorious, wonderful, National Champion football players. If any parent is reading this posting and you happen to be employed on a Alabama construction site or general industry location, then please be careful out there. If you happen to be on a site that requires a course in safety, the OSHA 10 Hour Construction or General Industry Course is the one to take.
OSHA 30 Hour Construction Course
In the state of Alabama, the OSHA 30 Hour Construction Course or General industry Course is required for those that work on or wish to work on a site in the War Eagle State! Please head on over right now to our site at Online OSHA Safety Training! Why take a risk unless you are a great football player for U of Auburn and are just trying to make it home safely to celebrate the biggest win in school history!
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