Wednesday, December 29, 2010

OSHA 10 Hour Construction Great New Years Safety Training Resolution

Out with the old and in with the new, or so the saying goes, is the focus of this profile on safety and resolutions. As much as we would all like to forget 2011, there is a lesson that can be and should be taken away from this very tough year, if nothing else.

OSHA 10 Hour Training Online

The OSHA 10 Hour Construction Course is something that can benefit each worker on a construction site and has proven to be quite a safety resource as well. We only have to look back to the traumatic environmental disaster that was and is the BP Gulf Oil Spill. Thanks to the quick thinking and fast footwork of the First Awareness and First Responders workers and volunteers, most with a construction safety background, the very first cleanup crews that hit the beaches were already safety trained. This only added to the speed into which a safe and proficient oil spill clean up effort was to be initiated.

OSHA 10 Hour Training

The OSHA 10 Hour Construction Course is a great New Years safety training resolution and we all know that there are multiple unselfish reasons for that. The next big crack in the infrastructure of the continental United States will require thousands of OSHA trained volunteers and workers. Make this year the year that you and your construction firm are ready when the call comes as it unfortunately and with a heavy heart, must.

OSHA States

There are some states that OSHA requires the workers in the construction trades to have the 10 Hour Construction Course and those are; Connecticut, New York, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Missouri and Nevada.

Outreach Training Program

Workers that are covered by OSHA 29 CFR 1926 are recommended by OSHA to take the Outreach Training Program courses as a precursor to occupational safety and health for workers. This is a great recommendation by OSHA, as this effective and necessary safety course will only expand the knowledge base for both workers and work-related safety issues.

OSHA Safety Training Programs

The reason why we offer these OSHA safety-training programs is so that we can adequately and successfully train workers within the realm of basic occupational safety and health issues. It is our intention to fully support and provide every available opportunity for you to successfully comply with any and all OSHA accepted compliant safety (keyword) related courses and testing’s. We are firmly committed to making OSHA compliance as easy and as exponentially timesaving as possible for you as we are aware that time is money and accidents cost more than money sometimes. By adequately training and offering fantastic assistance to both you and your employees and by passing an OSHA compliant safety test and courses we feel that your chances at being an accident-free workplace are indeed increased. We here at Online OSHA Safety Training desire you to succeed in both business and safety and work hard to make certain that every available option is presented to you so that you can attain both of those available goals.

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