Monday, November 29, 2010

Why Select Online OSHA Safety Training for All of Your Workplace Training?

We receive that question almost on a per minute basis and that is how we are becoming one of the leaders in health and safety training in America today! While we could flood this posting with accolades and self-created pats on the back, we understand that you are not interested in how well we do our job, not right away.

OSHA 30 Hour Training

What we do here at Online OSHA Safety Training goes far beyond either what our competitors do voluntarily or mandatory. We see OSHA Safety Training in a different way than most other safety and health training sites. We see it as our number one reason for existence, your workplace safety. If we focus on you, the American worker or volunteer, and only you, then we have found that everything else falls in line.

Online OSHA Safety Training

Please have a look below at what are some of the basic reasons that you need OSHA safety training as well as what are some hey benefits and features of our OSHA Training Courses. The ability to understand and comprehend what the importance of being safe and persistently safe at that is what we aim to teach here at Online OSHA Safety Training.

· Improved Accountability of Contractual and Temporary Workers

· Reduction in Accidents and Injuries

· Improved and Escalated Degree of Compliance

· Communication Consistency Improvement

· Benefited Operating Margins and Reduced Costs (Including Reduced Insurance Premiums)

· Dramatically Lessened Business Interruptions

· Increased Productivity of Workforce

· Vastly Improved Track Record for Meeting Critical Deadlines and Milestones

To understand why it is so very important to choose only the best provider of OSHA safety training for yourself or your entire crew is to be involved in the well-being of the entire worksite. This is why countless numbers of Health and Safety Advisors as well as advisors in training have passed through our virtual doors here, either online or in person, with one of our many on-site safety training seminars and teachings.

OSHA Safety Training

Please visit us today at Online OSHA Safety Training. We understand the need to be safe and we fully understand what it takes to accomplish that goal everyday of the year. At Online OSHA Safety Training, we put the S in safety!

About the Author

Bob Malhotra is the Co-Founder of and many other sites and firms with the goal of safety training to the masses in mind at all times. As the author of this review and hundreds of others all positioned on the Internet for easy access, Bob demonstrates both his desire to cover all things safety-related and to also showcase what he has learned with a lifetime of experience and knowledge. Bob has been in the safety-business for well over 20 years and understands both the importance of safety training as well as the Federal Requirements mandated by the Department of Labor and OSHA.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Online OSHA Safety Training Cares About Your Jobsite Exposures Safety in 2011

Protecting yourself against the harmful stuff, you can breathe or unintentionally eat (like silica dust), or absorb through your skin can be difficult. If you are unaware of what it is in the jobsite that can cause you great harm and even death, then where do you stand as a safety and health professional? That is exactly what we have in mind for you today in this jobsite exposures posting.

HAZWOPPER 40 Hour Training

OSHA safety training courses are broken down into two sections; safety and health. That is it and that is what we are going to address to you today. At Online OSHA Safety Training, we are determined to make you safe regardless of where it is in this country that you work. From textile mills in the Upper Piedmont region of South Carolina all the way to the industrial metropolis that is Columbus, Ohio, we aim to keep you safe and employed.

Online OSHA Safety Training

To get right into it let us talk a little bit about the regulations for jobsite exposures. OSHA is not messing around when they mandated that these potentially hazardous materials and rather common worksite particulars be clearly identified and properly handled. This is why we found it to be of particular interest and a requirement as well that we list these.

29 CFR 1926

OSHA regulations for jobsite exposures are found throughout 29 CFR 1926. Here are some of the common ones mentioned above.

· Ionizing Radiation

· Non-Ionizing Radiation

· Gases, Vapors, Fumes, Dusts, and Mists

· Methylenedianiline

· Lead

· Toxic and Hazardous Substance (Including Asbestos, Carcinogens, and Cadmium)

Make certain that you are made aware of these controlled jobsite exposures in your workplace. We offer only the best in OSHA safety training and do so with pride in our work!

About the Author

Bob Malhotra is the Co-Founder of and many other sites and firms with the goal of safety training to the masses in mind at all times. As the author of this review and hundreds of others all positioned on the Internet for easy access, Bob demonstrates both his desire to cover all things safety-related and to highlight what he has learned with a lifetime of experience and knowledge. Bob has been in the safety-business for well over 20 years and understands both the importance of safety training as well as the Federal Requirements mandated by the Department of Labor and OSHA.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

How Correctly Utilizing PPE Can Save More than a Life

Do you feel that the use of personal protective equipment or what is otherwise known more-commonly as PPE, is way over-rated? Then allow us here at Online OSHA Safety Training to educate you on the importance of properly worn as well as used PPE equipment. Today we have a story that demonstrates the severity and the importance of PPE regardless of how you may presently feel about the issue. We apologize for coming at you with such voracity and iron-will in defense of PPE equipment but we want you to be safe at all times while on the construction and general industry sites throughout the nation.

Importance of Hard Hats and Fall Protection

One of the benefits of OSHA certification is found with instructing the attendee with proper PPE requirements. As promised above we are going to spin a tale for you that will thoroughly convince you, the hard-working construction worker that wearing one of the most-recognizable as well as protective pieces of PPE equipment (hard-hat) is a decision that has no debate ever on a construction site. The availability of safety training online today has never been easier or more-convenient. One such provider of excellent OSHA safety training course providers is Online OSHA Safety Training. Maybe you have already heard of them maybe you have not but in the end you will want to run to these safety and health training fellows especially after reading this story about the proper use of PPE equipment. Trust us on that.

OSHA Safety Training Course

This story is true and obviously has been repeated numerous times and certainly on a daily almost hourly basis at that! We still feel that in order to drive the point about how important wearing PPE equipment and wearing it correctly is that we must scare you straight. If this story does not do it then by all means keep on reading as it gets scarier as the story goes along. We will begin with the ending and that shows Bobby the construction worker leaving the shipyard and entering his truck, all safe and sound if not worn-out from a full-day of rigging up cables on the construction site.

30 Hour Online OSHA Safety Training Course

As we rewind a bit we see Bobby sitting on the edge of a girder and thanking his lucky stars that he accepted and attended that 30 Hour Online OSHA Safety Training Course that his boss requested that he attend. The reason is that moments earlier Bobby was struck in the head with a piece of steel plate that weighed in excess of 20 tons! Now most human heads can only withstand a blow to the side of the head with a psi of around 250-500 at best. To measure this blow that left Bobby seeing stars literally but none the worse for wear we would have to bring in a heavy-duty impact counter.

Safety Training

Bobby was helping his crew of a dozen co-workers with installing and joining two steel plates to form a platform on a rigging ship deck. Without getting into engineering specifics about tis steel platform suffice to say they are real heavy and real hard to join. During the joining process the center-piece that is used to join the two pieces of steel came loose and the right plate flew out and struck young Bobby smack in the side of his head! The only reason why we are not writing a eulogy for Bobby is because he was a good construction worker and he recalled, as usual, to strap on his hard-hat and strap it on each time he left the truck. Please take a look at the site that most safety and health advisers go to for all their OSHA compliant safety training issues and head on over to Online OSHA Safety Training.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Working with OSHA Safety Training in Confined Spaces

Each and every day thousands of construction workers are exposed to possible injury or death in what OSHA refers to as confined or enclosed spaces. During a 10 year period from 1980 to 1989 NIOSH otherwise known as the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health investigated 585 accidents that occurred in a confined space and accidents that claimed over 251 hard-working lives. 75 of the work-site incidents involve more than one worker. Often times the second or third victim was someone trying to rescue a coworker without using the proper equipment or safety and health training.

Online OSHA Safety Training

This is why it is so important to have each and every worker on the construction site or the general industry site in the aspect of safety and health training that is OSHA compliant and can be easily accessed and registered and taken at Online OSHA Safety Training. Over the same 10 year period, the highest number of casualties and fatalities was in the manufacturing sector with 152, with farming coming in a close second at 128 and construction rounding out the top three at 90. Our goal here at Online OSHA Safety Training is to have a zero casualty and zero fatality listing report and that can be obtained with proper training and equipment usage.

What Is a Confined or Enclosed Space?

The definition of a confined or enclosed space is any given space that has a limited means of getting in or out and which can gather toxic or flammable gases or vapors and has oxygen deficient-air. In layman’s terms it is any space that you can’t get out real fast like. At Online OSHA Safety Training we also define a confined or enclosed space as a location that has unfavorable natural ventilation. Does that sound familiar and does that sound like the BP Gulf oil spill entire location in the Louisiana area? We think it does and this is why it’s important to have the proper safety and health training while doing heroic work such as BP Gulf oil spill cleanup or any type of construction or general industry work in the United States.

Online OSHA Safety Training

Please have a look at the hazards of a confined or enclosed space and see if any of these factors match up to your current work day environment.

• Hazardous Energy Activated electrical, mechanical and hydraulic or pneumatic energy can cause injury in a confined space.

• Cave-In OSHA evacuation rules must be followed when cave-ins are possible.
• Drowning Heavy rains or water leaks can cause fatalities.
• Underground Utilities Lines containing gases and/or steam or even coolant should be shut off.

Please head on over to Online OSHA Safety Training and take a look at our OSHA compliant safety training courses that are there for your work-site and workplace safety.

Why Online OSHA Safety Training is the Leader in Safety and Health in 2011

  • · Online OSHA 10-Hour Construction Courses
  • · Online OSHA 30-Hour Construction Courses
  • · Online OSHA 10-Hour General Industry Courses
  • · Online OSHA 30-Hour General Industry Courses

Hazwoper Training

  • · Hazwoper 40-Hour Course
  • · Hazwoper 24-Hour Course
  • · Hazwoper 8 Hour Annual Refresher
  • · Hazwoper 1st Responder Awareness
  • · Hazwoper 1st. Responder Operations Level

· Construction Health and Safety Technician (CHST) Workshop

That is just the tip of the iceberg, as what is around the corner, for both the United States and all of the workers in this great country, will simply floor you! Online OSHA Safety Training exists for one sole purpose – the education of American workers regardless of what type of industry you happen to be involved within. You could be the hardest working person in the steel industry of Gary, Indiana, desperately attempting to re-energize that once mighty location and steel-making region. Maybe you are the Safety and Health advisor for the entire construction firm in Columbus, Ohio and everyone is counting on you for their health and safety and the survival of the family.

Online OSHA 10-Hour and 30-Hour Construction Courses

Either way you will need this OSHA safety-training educator at some point in time. The United States has a rusty infrastructure, we all know that, and inasmuch as words and dollars are a great start, what it will take to resuscitate and rebuild the very skeleton of our country, is work. This is why you will need at the very least, one or possibly two Online OSHA Safety Training Courses in the not too distant future!

Online OSHA 10-Hour General Industry Courses

Whom are we kidding if we think, as a country, that the BP Gulf Oil Spill was and is the final stroke for calamity in this country? Man made or God created or maybe just created mark our words that in the next quarter something will happen that will once again call out for thousands of volunteers. What will they, you, all need in order to assist in the next big cleanup? OSHA Safety Training Compliance that is what.

Please take a second and have a look at the only occupation health and safety training resource you will ever need, Online OSHA Safety Training. The timing could not be any greater for all of us here in the United States to get ready for the next big calamity. Think about it this way, even if there is never again another environmental nightmare, such as the BP Gulf Oil Spill, there will still be a great need for OSHA trained volunteers and workers. The rebuilding of the infrastructure of the United States mandates that and in a big way!

Get ready and get OSHA Safety Training at the best site for all of your occupational health and safety needs, Online OSHA Safety Training.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Benefits of OSHA Training

What are the generalized and overall benefits of OSHA training you ask? Immense and forthcoming are two of the best adjectives that come to mind for the thousands of BP Gulf oil spill workers/volunteers that have done their service helping to clean up one of the nation’s most catastrophic environmental calamities, ever. Yet for those that have not yet had the pleasure of enrolling and being deeply-educated in all the safety issues that face each and every worker out herein the US, then let us fill you in on those benefits.

Online OSHA Safety Training

First of all the most popular benefit for having any of the fine OSHA safety training courses that are available at Online Osha Safety Training has to be the obtaining of a career. Most individuals who sit for and pass any of the OSHA compliant safety courses that are made easily available as well as accessible at Online OSHA say they did it for the job requirement. As that is a true statement about the OSHA as well as the Department of Labor safety training requirements for most of the jobs and projects that are out there these days it is not the most-lasting benefit of them all. That trophy is for the person who has sat through and passed the OSHA safety training course and their future careers in health and safety.

OSHA Certificate of Completion

You see not only is the OSHA certificate of completion good for the immediate job at hand it opens the door for the novice safety training individual into a cornucopia of related and open safety and health adviser occupations. That is the overall best and most-lasting benefit of anyone who enrolls in and passes one of many OSHA safety training courses. Future career brightness.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Online OSHA Safety Training -Welding Cutting and Bracing: Avoiding the Triple Threat

Welding, cutting, and brazing poses unique threats to the health and safety of construction workers. Think about it… a welding arc is hot enough to melt steel, and the light it emits is literally blinding. It generates toxic fumes that are composed of microscopic particles of molten metal. Sparks and molten slag thrown by the welding can fly up to 35 feet and can cause fires and other serious injuries.

OSHA Safety Training Courses

Online OSHA Safety Training is concerned about the safety of all workers especially those that weld or come into contact with any type of hot metal work. A great way to safeguard all of the employees that work with these very dangerous conditions is to enlist and enroll into any of the wonderful OSHA safety training courses offered here.

OSHA 10 30 Hour General Industry Courses

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that during 2009 38,500 welders and cutters suffered injuries related to their work. Are you likely to be injured if you are a welder? Your job can be safe if you take the proper precautions and follow safe work practices mandated by OSHA and your direct supervisor. Even in small metal cutting jobs, try to resist the temptation to take shortcuts that can lead to injury and even death on the job.

Where are the Regulations for OSHA?

The occupational safety and health administration otherwise known as OSHA has developed rules governing welding, cutting, and brazing. These regulations are found at 29 CFR 1926. 350 through .354.

Welding Types

There are four different types of welding operations:

Oxygen Fuel Gas ­­-- Joins metal parts by generating extremely high heat during combustion.

Resistance -- Joins metals by heat generation through resistance created by the flow of electric current.

Arc -- Joins or cuts metal by heat generated from an electric arc.

Other -- This includes welding and heating sources like friction, lasers, and ultrasonic’s.

Please look at some of the more popular online OSHA Training courses that we offer here on OSHA Safety Training.
Online OSHA Training Courses
Online OSHA 10-Hour Construction Courses
Online OSHA 30-Hour Construction Courses
Online OSHA 10-Hour General Industry Courses
Online OSHA 30-Hour General Industry Courses
Hazwoper 40-Hour Course
Hazwoper 24-Hour Course
Hazwoper 8 Hour Annual Refresher

About the Author

Bob Malhotra is the Co-Founder of and many other sites and firms with the goal of safety training to the masses in mind at all times. As the author of this review and hundreds of others all positioned on the Internet for easy access, Bob demonstrates both his desire to cover all things safety-related and to highlight what he has learned with a lifetime of experience and knowledge. Bob has been in the safety-business for well over 20 years and understands both the importance of safety training as well as the Federal Requirements mandated by the Department of Labor and OSHA.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Do I Need my OSHA 10?

When it comes to being gainfully employed, and who does not want to be gainfully employed in this very tough economy, if you are in a few select states and in the construction environment it is a requirement to take the OSHA Construction 10-Hour Safety Training course before you strap on that yellow helmet. The federal government’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration or otherwise known as OSHA combined with the powers that be at the Department of Labor have mandated that the OSHA 10 Course be a requirement before anyone steps foot on a public construction site in the following States.

States that Require OSHA 10-Hour Construction Course

• New York
• Nevada
• New Hampshire
• Massachusetts
• Connecticut
• Rhode Island
• Missouri

At Online OSHA Safety Training thee 10-Hour Construction Safety Course is intended for all employees and contractors working on any construction or public works site. The Online 10-Hour Construction Course is a comprehensive safety program designed for anyone in the construction industry. It is also open to the many supervisors and safety and health advisers out there in the State today as well.

Break on Through to the Other Side

If you are wanting to break into the construction industry regardless of the location in the United States the course to take is the OSHA compliant and approved for online distribution by OSHA for online distribution.

Online OSHA Safety Training

You will need your OSHA 10-Hour Construction safety training course if you intend on working in the above listed states but it is just a good career move to become trained in everything that is safety related in your chosen career field of construction. We will have to only look back at the long list of casualties and some fatalities that have happened on construction sites that may or may not have been attributed to a lack of safety training issues.

One thing that we as well as many research studies have proven is that an employee on a construction site that has gone through the Online OSHA Safety Training program 10-Hour construction course is three times less likely to have an accident and 10 times less likely to have a fatality after enrolling and passing the course. Do yourself a great favor and do your coworkers and you’re construction company as well a great favor by enrolling and passing the 10 Hour Construction Safety Training course. By and large you will be the belle of the ball and everyone will come to you and look up to you as you are the master safety of the year award winner for the construction site!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

OSHA Training and Blood-Borne Pathogens Standard Limits for Safety and Health

As a first-aid provider, you need to be well aware of the risks associated with offering assistance in a medical emergency. This is a large part of the curriculum offered through the OSHA 10 Hour Training Course available on the Internet at Online OSHA Safety Training. These infectious diseases include; Hepatitis B Virus and HIV as well. Those are just two of the literally hundreds of commonplace infectious diseases that you need to be well aware of during the course of any occupational safety issue and circumstance.

Benefits of OSHA Training - Blood-Borne Pathogens Standard Limits

Do you really feel that since you wear gloves and a thin respirator contraption over your mouth that you are fully protected from pathogens? While you may not be accustomed for such an onslaught of possibly deadly viruses and other blood borne pathogens, the little boogers are on a constant vigil to enter into you, in one way or another. This is why the Department of Labor as well as OSHA has made it a Federal legality to make certain each worker in the United States is aware of the Blood-Borne Pathogens Standard Limits.

Benefits of 10 Hour Training

This is why it is so very important that every worker on site, trained and educated with the OSHA Safety Training Courses offered online and on-site at onlineoshasafetytraining. The major benefits of OSHA Training revolve around the fact that accidents can and do happen especially on construction sites all across the country.


Bob Malhotra is one of the founders of Online OSHA Safety Training and has extensive-safety and health educational experience combined with a passion to help the environment. This review outlines the still very-much in need and the importance of being educated in the safety and training courses, such as Hazwoper 40 Hour and Hazwoper 10 Hour Safety Training Courses that are required while on the job.

About the Author

Bob Malhotra is the Co-Founder of and many other sites and firms with the goal of safety training to the masses in mind at all times. As the author of this review and hundreds of others all positioned on the Internet for easy access, Bob demonstrates both his desire to cover all things safety-related and to display what he has learned with a lifetime of experience and knowledge. Bob has been in the safety-business for well over 20 years and understands both the importance of safety training as well as the Federal Requirements mandated by the Department of Labor and OSHA.

Monday, November 15, 2010

OSHA Safety Training - Lockout and Tagout Control Hazardous Energy

The accidental release of hazardous energy can cause accidents and injuries. Lockout/Tagout procedures prevent you from accidentally being exposed to injurious and even life-threatening situations from energized equipment or circuits. At Online OSHA Safety Training, the overall concern is safety.

OSHA Safety Training Regulations Covered

OSHA regulates Lockout/Tagout procedures at 29 CFR1923.417­—Locking and Tagging of Circuits. This is part of the electrical section of the construction standards. Lockout/Tagout procedures can also be found in 29 1926.702—Requirements for Equipment and Tools (Concrete and Masonry Construction). OSHA safety training courses, regardless of 10 or 30 Hour course listing, provide a very-easy and essential way to learn all about being safe when working around Tagout/Locked equipment and circuits.

OSHA Construction Training

The OSHA 30 Hour Construction Course thoroughly covers and complies with the requirements set forth by the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) for all construction-based workers in the United States. As the name implies the course details and explains worker safety and workplace safety protocols in the construction related industry. After passing the final test with a score of 70% or greater, you are then rewarded with the 30 Hour Construction Industry Course Completion Card.

OSHA 10 Hour Construction Training Course

The OSHA 30 Hour Construction Industry Training Course offered by us here at Online OSHA Safety will have you up and running and OSHA compliant in no time! We understand the time constraints and the time spent away from work and family is both limited and precious. That is why we have streamlined the process here at Online OSHA Safety to make it that much easier for you to be both worker and workplace safety trained and well on your way to OSHA compliance all in the same setting. You also have the flexibility to monitor your time spent on studying the OSHA 30 Hour Construction Training Safety Course as well as getting ready for the final exam at the end of the course training.

What is Lockout Tagout?

Lockout is the process of turning off and locking out the flow of energy from a power source to a piece of equipment or circuit, and keeping it locked out. Lockout is accomplished by installing a lockout device at the power source so that the equipment powered by that source cannot be operated. This is the core of safety and health issues at what the experts and workers trained to do such action, shutdowns, call this phenomenon.

About the Author

Bob Malhotra is the Co-Founder of and many other sites and firms with the goal of safety training to the masses in mind at all times. As the author of this review and hundreds of others all positioned on the Internet for easy access, Bob demonstrates both his desire to cover all things safety-related and to display what he has learned with a lifetime of experience and knowledge. Bob has been in the safety-business for well over 20 years and understands both the importance of safety training as well as the Federal Requirements mandated by the Department of Labor and OSHA.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

OSHA Safety Training – Emergency Response Dealing with Incidents

OSHA Safety Training – Emergency Response Dealing with Incidents

Despite all efforts to provide a safe and healthy work-site, accidents still happen. Weather and other emergencies, unrelated to your job, can also cause problems. However, proper planning can save lives and minimize property damage during an emergency. Effective safety and health programs should have EAPs (Emergency Action Plans) for emergencies such as personal injuries, fires, severe weather, and accidental releases of toxic gases, chemical spills, or explosions.

OSHA 10 Hour Construction

The safety and health courses, such as the header for this part of the posting, OSHA 10 Hour Construction safety training course, are excellent for addressing the concerns involving personal workplace safety issues. One such firm that is a leader in the occupational safety and health department online is Online OSHA Safety The founders of this safety-training site are well established and respected throughout the health and safety genre. If you have not enrolled into a course, now is the time since safety is everyone’s primary concern.

Where Are the Regulations?

OSHA has issued a number of regulations covering emergency planning and training for construction. These include:

29 CFR 1924 Fire Protection and Prevention

29 CFR 1935 Employee Emergency Action Plans

29 CFR 1964 Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Materials

29 CFR 1965 Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response

29 CFR 19150-155 Fire Protection and Prevention

OSHA does not require formal action plans for tornadoes, earthquakes, or other severe weather conditions. However, your company should have an EAP in case these situations occur.

Elements of an Emergency Plan Taught in OSHA Training Courses

Your Company’s EAP Should Include the Following Elements;

· Best Way to Report Fires and Other Emergencies

· How the Alarm System Sounds for Different Emergencies

· Emergency Escape Procedures and Routes to Take

OSHA - 10 & 30 Hour Construction Outreach with Study Guide PDF

This course covers ten (10) hours of courses, required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OSHA) that apply toward 10-hour Construction Industry course completion card. This module is comprised of 11 sections, covering topics pertaining to regulations covered by Standard 29 CFR 1926. The successful completion of this course will help to meet the Construction Industry standards established by OSHA.

OSHA recommends Outreach Training Program courses as an orientation to occupational safety and health for workers. Workers must receive additional training, when required by OSHA standards, on the specific hazards of their job.

Module covers thirty (30) hours of courses required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OSHA) that apply toward 30-hour Construction Industry course completion card. This module is comprised of 23 sections, each either one or two hours in length, and covering topics pertaining to regulations covered by Standard 29 CFR 1926. The successful completion of this course will help to meet the Construction Industry standards established by OSHA.

OSHA recommends Outreach Training Program courses as an orientation to occupational safety and health for workers. Workers must receive additional training, when required by OSHA standards, on the specific hazards of their job.

You will also find supplementary materials available for download by clicking the ""Materials"" tab on the menu located within the course player. You can find printable course summaries of each module in addition to a syllabus of the entire 30-hour course. Other reference materials are available from the OSHA website; please visit

When taking this course, please be aware of the time limits on both your login session and the course itself. For your login session, please feel free to take as long as you wish at any given time, but be aware that if you remain idle (staying on the same page) for 15 minutes then you will be logged out of the session and you will have to log in and rejoin the course where stopped previously.

As for the course itself, please remember that you have six months from the time you signed up for this course to complete it in order to receive credit. After six months, your account will expire and you will be required to purchase the course again if you wish to complete it.

At the end of each module, you will be given a 10-question module quiz. You must score at least 70% on each module quiz to move forward in the course. You will be given up to three opportunities to pass each module quiz. Failure to successfully pass the quiz will result in being locked out of the course and not allowed to continue with an online training format for your outreach training.

Once you have successfully completed all of the modules, you must pass a final exam to receive full credit for the course. The exam is 20 questions long and will test your knowledge on information covered throughout the course. You must make a score of at least 70% to pass this course. You will be given up to three opportunities to pass the final exam; if you do not pass it after three tries, you will be locked out of this course will no longer be able to take your outreach training in an online format.

About the Author

Bob Malhotra is the Co-Founder of and many other sites and firms with the goal of safety training to the masses in mind at all times. As the author of this review and hundreds of others all positioned on the Internet for easy access, Bob demonstrates both his desire to cover all things safety-related and to highlight what he has learned with a lifetime of experience and knowledge. Bob has been in the safety-business for well over 20 years and understands both the importance of safety training as well as the Federal Requirements mandated by the Department of Labor and OSHA.