When you hear about the political parties waging war on each other, most of us take a semi-conscious stand. What we do here at Online OSHA Safety Training, is create a safe learning environment, and one that is devoid of any venomous wordings and actions. There is simply no need to attack any other safety-training site or locality since we let our courses and our sales and service do the talking.
Recalling Tucson Tragedy
The 2011 political arena has really heated up with the recent Tucson, Arizona tragedy by a lone maniac, setting off a blaze of political charges and allegations. We feel it would be a wonderful action, for all political leaders and media representatives, to enroll and complete, any safety-training course, we offer here at Online OSHA Safety Training.
OSHA 30 Hour Construction Safety Training Course
One of the best courses that would create a different viewpoint and mindset for the politicians is the OSHA 30 Hour Construction Safety Training Course. While this course is terrific for those workers that are required to take this lesson, the benefit that could be derived by the bad-mouthed politicians would be simply astounding. The issue that is taught in this course revolves around being safe and being courteous in all actions on the site.
USA Safety and Health Supervisors
This brings us to the issue of the title, and of the day, and that is the need for a refresher course for any and all USA Safety and Health Supervisors, working or planning on working to help rebuild this fine country. If you are one of these safety advising professionals, regardless of the state that you call home or where you work, then you need to be certain that you are in compliance with that states OSHA 30 Hour Construction Safety Training Courses.
Safety Training Course
Please have a quick look at the specifics of the OSHA 30 Hour Construction Safety Training Course and see for yourself, what a safe world we could all live in, if only people and political leaders and leaders to be, would sit down and open up their minds and hearts.
Purchase right away and get started towards OSHA compliance!
The OSHA 30 Hour Construction Course thoroughly covers and complies with the requirements set forth by the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) for all construction-based workers in the United States. As the name implies the course details and explains worker safety and workplace safety protocols in the construction related industry. After passing the final test with a score of 70% or greater, you are then rewarded with the 30 Hour Construction Industry Course Completion Card.
Online OSHA Safety Training
The OSHA 30 Hour Construction Industry Training Course offered by us here at Online OSHA Safety Training.com will have you up and running and OSHA compliant in no time! We understand the time constraints and the time spent away from work and family is both limited and precious. That is why we have streamlined the process here at Online OSHA Safety Training.com to make it that much easier for you to be both worker and workplace safety trained and well on your way to OSHA compliance all in the same setting. You also have the flexibility to monitor your time spent on studying the OSHA 30 Hour Construction Training Safety Course as well as getting ready for the final exam at the end of the course training.
OSHA and California OSHA
Our OSHA30 Hour Construction Industry Training Course is fully accepted and accredited by OSHA and California OSHA as well! That is an important factor, to always remember, when selecting an OSHA accepted safety-training course since not all accreditations and safety-training institutions are created equal. We have worked extremely hard and continue to work diligently in order to bring you the most up-to-date and current OSHA safety standards training protocols so that there is never an issue of regulatory changes! We always have our finger on the safety related pulse so all you have to do is concern yourself with studying and passing this safety course!
Supervisors Need This Course In New York and Nevada
The 30 Hour Course also meets the state requirement for 30 Hour OSHA Construction Training for supervisors in New York and Nevada. That means that you no longer have to utilize the services of two or more safety training sites since we here at Online OSHA Safety Training .com have accumulated everything all in one convenient location just for you!
30 Hour Construction Industry Training Course
This easy to read and understand 30 Hour Construction Course is made up of 25 informative sections that most students complete in under one or two hours. All of the information and topics that are included in the 30 Hour Construction Course come from the safety regulations mandated by Standard 29 CFR 1926 of the OSHA Act. Upon the successful pass on and completion of this safety course you will be well on your way to satisfying and becoming compliant with the construction industry standards that were and are established by OSHA. We make certain that every base is covered so that there are no surprises or uncovered information as you take the final exam. We thoroughly understand both the importance of passing this exam and also the importance of being safe in everything you do and your employees do while on the construction industry site throughout America
State the purpose of the OSH Act and list the functions of OSHA
List the OSHA inspection priorities and describe the inspection process
Describe the rights and responsibilities of employers and employees ender the OSHA Act
The basic requirements for proper aisle and passageway maintenance
Guidelines for identification and protection of floor opening
To understand the importance of effective egress fire protection program
Locate OSHA Standards references applicable to specific hazardous conditions and practices (Introduction to OSHA Standards)
Recognize the aspects of 1926 Subpart C (General Safety and Health Provisions)
Implement preventative measures for accidents in their workplace (Subpart D- Occupational health and Environmental Controls)
Describe types of personal protective equipment (PPE), and the requirements for use in OSHA standards (Subpart E- Personal Protective Equipment)
Understand the requirements for fire protection in the workplace (Subpart F- Fire Protection and Prevention) Identify types of rigging equipment used to protect employees (Subpart H- Rigging; Subpart N-Cranes and Rigging)
Identify the critical health and safety hazards of welding and cutting in the construction industry (Subpart J- Welding and Cutting)
Identify common electrical hazards and related OSHA standards (Subpart K- Electrical Standards)
Understand the importance of scaffolding for workers in elevated workplaces (Subpart L-Scaffolding)
Implement measures for protecting workers and equipment from dangerous falls (Subpart M- Fall Protection)
Recognize the hazards associated with working in or around excavation sites (Subpart P-Excavations)
Understand the safety requirements necessary to protect workers around concrete and masonry jobs (Subpart Q- Concrete and Masonry)
Identify the precautions and hazards to protect workers using explosives or blasting agents (Subpart T- Demolition)
Protect workers who perform jobs on or around stairways or ladders at worksites (Subpart X -Stairways and Ladders