Being smart while on the job site or in life in general will go a long way to making this world a better place. While we here at Online OSHA Safety Training believe that it takes adequate safety and health training as well as extensive experience in the field and in the classroom before one can be called a safety expert, we still feel that by utilizing just a smidgen of commonsense and intelligence as well as competence you will be safe and stay alive and employed.
What Makes a Worker a Competent Worker?
Webster’s defines competency as: “Sufficient resources fore a comfortable existence”. We will agree to that and add a few things to that definition so that you will understand just what it takes to go above and beyond and stay safe and keep the job-site safe and the co-workers as well. First of all please take a moment to look at the list below so that you can hit the ground running right off the bat with safety training.
Competent Worker
• Trained and capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous.
• Responsible for performing proper walk throughs before and after the job is initiated.
• Has the will and authority to correct a dangerously-perceived situation and do so without hesitation.
Those are only a few of the characteristics of a competent and highly-perceptive worker. There are so many more but we will not bore you with the details as if you are a competent person and worker you already know most of these work-day characteristics.
OSHA 30 Hour Course
At Online OSHA Safety Training we take safety and smarts very seriously. With this we will now lead you into the world of safety training and hope that you find safety as exciting as we do at least while on the job. We understand that we live, eat and breath safety but that is the way every OSHA compliant safety training resource should be is it not? We are like that Cuckoo cartoon-bird spokes animal for that chocolaty-good cereal, Cocoa Puffs, and we say we are Cuckoo for Safety and Health Training!
OSHA 10 Hour Training
Please head on over to Online OSHA Safety Training and have a look at all of the great OSHA safety training courses that are made available to all of you soon-to-be wonderful safety and health experts!
You have made it! Welcome to the all-inclusive source for compliance OSHA Training! Are you looking to show both OSHA and your employees your overall commitment to both the workers safety and compliance with Federal Workplace Safety Regulations? Then you have made the right decision by accessing Online OSHA Safety Training. On this site is everything that you will need to comply with OSHA safety compliance for general industry and the construction industry.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
OSHA Safety Training Starts with Proper Nutrition

The talk of the day is health and wellness and today we are going to look at how to stay in shape both physically and mentally and convey that good-feeling and good-thinking to the job site. If you are healthy and have a very good attitude, you are less likely to get injured or become ill, whether on the construction site or the general industry site. You are also a safer employee because you can focus on what you are doing and a good byproduct and side-show and event of being healthy is that you just feel and think better!
Good Stuff in Great Stuff Out
At Online OSHA Safety Training we understand the necessity of a healthy body and a healthy mind especially when it comes to working on what turns out to be some of the most dangerous construction sites and other areas of employment in the United States. This is why we urge you to eat healthy and educate yourself on the many variables that safety and health training can offer.
Proper Diet Is Important
The first location you can start to work on improving your health is with your diet and nutrition. Try to eat a balanced diet and use a variety of foods that will help you obtain the necessary nutrients and the right amount of calories to maintain a healthy weight. At Online OSHA Safety Training we believe in a balanced diet as one of the requirements for a successful day on the job regardless of what that job details.
To practice healthy eating habits at work avoid these common nutritional pitfalls at your job site:
• Morning Doughnut and Coffee Routine
• Fast Food Lunches
• Afternoon Candy Bar Snack
Replacing these bad eating habits with great ones such as fruits and vegetables for snacks and bringing a healthy lunch to work instead of going out for a high-fat or high-protein one will benefit you greatly in your quest to become healthy and stay healthy. We have spoken a bit about what not to eat and now we will concentrate on what are some of the good things that you can consume that will help you with being safe on the job site.
• Good Balanced Breakfast
• No Fast Food Lunches- Brown Bag It Instead
• Apples and Oranges and Bananas as Snacks
Proper nutrition is a great way to stay safe on the job site and eating the above listed fruits and vegetables and a balanced breakfast along with brown-bagging your lunch is a great start toward a healthy mind and body. If you want to really learn about occupational safety and health please log onto Online OSHA Safety Training and look at one of the many safety courses that are available right now for your safety education. OSHA construction courses, especially the OSHA 10-Hour Construction Safety Course, are very important and even mandatory for certain states such as;
• Nevada
• Massachusetts
• Connecticut
• New Hampshire
• Rhode Island
• New York
• Missouri
Make certain that you understand the legal and Federal requirements outlined by the Department of Labor and OSHA if you’re planning on becoming employed in the construction sector in one of the above states or any state for that matter. This is where the professionals at Online OSHA Safety Training can really help you out and point you in the right direction with enrolling and registering you for the correct OSHA 10 hour safety training course in either the construction or general industry sector.
Online OSHA Safety Training
We will wrap things up about OSHA safety training starting with proper nutrition with a word of wisdom that comes from centuries of old- wives tales handed down from generation to generation. You are what you eat.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Online OSHA Safety Training Presents - The OSHA Answer Book Series

As if it was not enough for the friendly safety-minded at all times professionals over at Online OSHA Safety Training to offer the best in OSHA compliant training modules they had to go ahead and create as well as keep stocked one of the most-fascinating bookstores online today! We wanted to enlighten you on a world of resources that are sometimes looked over when shopping for a great safety training establishment and one that is reshaping the way America currently looks at the safety and health issue in general. Books.
Virtual or Physical
Yes we said it, books. Tangible and real, although in pdf-form, these learning tools are still very real sources of safety training educational pursuits. We have got to get back to understanding that no matter what state the safety training resources come in, that all modalities of learning and education should be investigated. At Online OSHA Safety Training the impudence is on teaching you, the getting ready this time around safety and health training adviser to be on full-alert each and everyday. Never again will what is happening to the good residents of the Gulf Coast happen anywhere in the United States of America.
OSHA Answer Book Series
The spotlight today is on a book resource that is a staple for any well-rounded safety training education and that is the OSHA Answer Book Series. This series of great learning resources has been seen and used in schools and individual safety training seminars for years now and continues to be the go-to series for all the many differing questions that OSHA compliant chasing individuals turn to each day. These comprehensive safety books provide organizations with the essential information needed for a safer, more OSHA-compliant workplace.
$129.95 Great Price! Great Value!
Turn to The OSHA Answer Book Series for plain English explanations of all of OSHA's standards and compliance requirements. These books clarify what you need to do in order to comply with safety and health regulations, including training, record-keeping and reporting requirements. Head over to Online OSHA Safety Training and get acclimated to one of the greatest natural resources around today, Online OSHA Safety Training.
Monday, August 23, 2010
The Construction Health and Safety Technician (CHST) Workshop
CHST Workshop Break Down
When studying for and absorbing all the information one can before sitting in the chair and taken the Board of Certified Safety Professionals Constructions Health and Safety Technician Examination it is wise to look into a very thorough CHST workshop. It just so happens that in the beautiful town of Newport Beach, California there will be such a seminar that not only will prepare you for the examination but also enlighten all attendees with techniques and methods that well make taking this all important safety test that much easier.
Online OSHA Safety Training
To say that the CHST Examination is anything close to easy would be a misnomer and a disrespectful statement towards OSHA and the many construction workers and safety technicians that inhabit these intense construction work sites. As many safety technicians and safety advisers who have worked on or preparing to work on a construction site knows the issue of safety is something that can never be fully prepared for or understated. Accidents will happen and it is a fact that needs to be understood. Competent safety-education, such as what is thoroughly integrated in the CHST Workshop is one of the best methods for tilting the scales of safety towards OSHA compliance and general non-accident regions.
Great Teacher
This is where the CHST Workshop, given by the highly-experienced and well-spoken instructor Scott Boim CHST, CHMM, MBA will assist you, the safety technician and or safety and health specialist, with preparing for and feeling very comfortable for taken the CHST Examination.
Construction Health and Safety Technician Certification
To explain what the CHST or Construction Health and Safety Technician Certification Program is all about we will first have to understand who normally takes this State operated safety examination. The CHST workshop is mainly for the individuals who are employed as safety technicians or safety and health specialists on construction job sites throughout the United States. The Department of Labor along with OSHA has made it an option for those wanting to further their pedigree and their knowledge base in all things safety-related and construction site or general industry integrated to further themselves and their company with this certification.
Please have a look at the short list below that shows a few of the reasons for enrolling in the CHST Workshop.
Reasons for Preparing for the CHST Examination by Attending the CHST Workshop
• Individuals Wanting to Assess Current Safety Skill(s) Level
• Safety and Health Specialists Responsible for Implementing and Monitoring Contractor Safety and Health Programs
• Those that See the Infinite Value in Knowing more about Workers Safety and Workplace Safety that is currently required by the Federal Government or Employer
The Construction Health and Safety Technician Examination although not a requirement can further the career of any safety-related occupational individual as well as demonstrate to future or current employers the attendee’s willingness to know more about the role of safety and workplace safety in general. This safety course is a great segway for those wanting to improve their career positioning and have made it a priority in not only their personal but working life to learn all they can about workplace safety and workers safety issues. For those individuals we salute you and our proud to see that there are so many select dynamic pro-active individuals in the world of safety and health that voluntarily take the next step towards being that much better experienced and knowledgeable in the world of construction and general industry safety. Now that you know a little something about who takes the Board of Certified Safety Professionals Construction Health and Safety Technician Examination let us have a look at the actual test specifications.
When studying for and absorbing all the information one can before sitting in the chair and taken the Board of Certified Safety Professionals Constructions Health and Safety Technician Examination it is wise to look into a very thorough CHST workshop. It just so happens that in the beautiful town of Newport Beach, California there will be such a seminar that not only will prepare you for the examination but also enlighten all attendees with techniques and methods that well make taking this all important safety test that much easier.
Online OSHA Safety Training
To say that the CHST Examination is anything close to easy would be a misnomer and a disrespectful statement towards OSHA and the many construction workers and safety technicians that inhabit these intense construction work sites. As many safety technicians and safety advisers who have worked on or preparing to work on a construction site knows the issue of safety is something that can never be fully prepared for or understated. Accidents will happen and it is a fact that needs to be understood. Competent safety-education, such as what is thoroughly integrated in the CHST Workshop is one of the best methods for tilting the scales of safety towards OSHA compliance and general non-accident regions.
Great Teacher
This is where the CHST Workshop, given by the highly-experienced and well-spoken instructor Scott Boim CHST, CHMM, MBA will assist you, the safety technician and or safety and health specialist, with preparing for and feeling very comfortable for taken the CHST Examination.
Construction Health and Safety Technician Certification
To explain what the CHST or Construction Health and Safety Technician Certification Program is all about we will first have to understand who normally takes this State operated safety examination. The CHST workshop is mainly for the individuals who are employed as safety technicians or safety and health specialists on construction job sites throughout the United States. The Department of Labor along with OSHA has made it an option for those wanting to further their pedigree and their knowledge base in all things safety-related and construction site or general industry integrated to further themselves and their company with this certification.
Please have a look at the short list below that shows a few of the reasons for enrolling in the CHST Workshop.
Reasons for Preparing for the CHST Examination by Attending the CHST Workshop
• Individuals Wanting to Assess Current Safety Skill(s) Level
• Safety and Health Specialists Responsible for Implementing and Monitoring Contractor Safety and Health Programs
• Those that See the Infinite Value in Knowing more about Workers Safety and Workplace Safety that is currently required by the Federal Government or Employer
The Construction Health and Safety Technician Examination although not a requirement can further the career of any safety-related occupational individual as well as demonstrate to future or current employers the attendee’s willingness to know more about the role of safety and workplace safety in general. This safety course is a great segway for those wanting to improve their career positioning and have made it a priority in not only their personal but working life to learn all they can about workplace safety and workers safety issues. For those individuals we salute you and our proud to see that there are so many select dynamic pro-active individuals in the world of safety and health that voluntarily take the next step towards being that much better experienced and knowledgeable in the world of construction and general industry safety. Now that you know a little something about who takes the Board of Certified Safety Professionals Construction Health and Safety Technician Examination let us have a look at the actual test specifications.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
BP Gulf Oil Spill Training-Online OSHA Safety Training Still Educating

Online OSHA Safety Training has done it again! Not only do these guys have the very best set-up and educational model for express OSHA Hazwoper safety courses but they are still offering a whopping 10% off as well! All you have to do is head on over to their site at Online OSHA Safety Training and input the code Hazwoper10, that’s it!
No Longer Leaking?
In the United States we knew going into this that months and possibly over a year would be necessary for the eradication of all the sticky and gooey oil that has been leaked out from that disaster in one of America's most beautiful locations. A great way to become OSHA compliant as well as steeped in the safety and health enterprise is to log on to Online OSHA Safety Training and enroll in one of the HAZWOPER Oil Spill Safety Training Courses offered by this training firm. Online OSHA Safety Training has been in the mix since the very first day that oil started to seep up and coagulate on the Gulf's surface. The safety and health professionals at Online OSHA Safety Training need you to get on over to their site and enroll and save the Gulf Coast!
Need for Continued OSHA Safety Training
At Online OSHA Safety Training we periodically feel the need to let you know what is going on in the world of occupational health and safety and hands-down the best place to get all of your most up to date Hazwoper safety course information is at Online OSHA Safety Training. With the push for more BP Gulf oil spill cleanup workers/volunteers the need for superlative safety training, that by the way is still OSHA required and OSHA compliant at the site, is at its zenith and with the leak still seeping toxic oil into the Gulf who is to say when the need will be limited? We definitely will not allow ourselves to be either mislead about safety preparation by Big Oil or Big Government, ever again.
OSHA-Training is Necessary Perpetually
The BP Gulf oil spill is far from over. If you do not believe this then take a trip to the town of New Orleans and ask the locals there exactly how they feel about this environmental catastrophe? We at Online OSHA Safety Training have the training and the experience to continue to assist these people in their quest to make things right. That is what being Hazwoper and OSHA compliant trained is all about!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Online OSHA Safety Training Does the Math on How Much Oil is still left in the BP Gulf Oil Spill Environmental Catastrophe

Online OSHA Safety Training Does the Math on How Much Oil is still left in the BP Gulf Oil Spill Environmental Catastrophe
After graduating from high school most of us either went on to college to further our education or went straight to work and got busy with an instantaneous career. It matters not which direction you chose as many Americans are now going back to school and reinventing themselves in such great occupations as Safety and Health Advisory Training or Environmental Cleanup Solutions, as well.
Science and Math Federal Goals?
The point we are trying to make is that most of us can add and subtract. In addition to being able to add and subtract we can also divide, in some cases, and this comes in very handy when a chronological time frame is needed with an unknown variable. Of course we do not want to show how bad we did in Algebra or Calculus class we just want to make the point that something is wrong with the numbers in the Gulf of Mexico and it is not from the residents or the citizens of the United States but from our own government and BP itself.
75% Very Large Number
Now we expect BP to stretch some tales with the figures since the amount of oil that is reported to be leaked from Day One of the explosion (5 billion gallons by US Government Figures) is directly related to the amount of money that the British Oil Giant will be forced to pay but from our own Federal Government? No way, no how and we will not stand for this treachery here at Online OSHA Safety Training! We cannot as it is what we stand up against at all times, negligence!
Bad Math Equals Less Help
To bring you up to speed and to get away from pointing fingers and getting back to safety training we need to explain that we as a country have been drilling in the Gulf of Mexico for over 60 years. We only desire to see a non-failure from our own government such as what has happened in the not-too-distant past with Katrina and Exxon-Valdes not to mention Wall Street. We want the truth and the truth about the amount of oil that is still in the Gulf of Mexico is a good start.
Online OSHA Safety Training
The need for safety training has never been so high and we are really going to floor you with this information right now. Recall how the US infrastructure was given a bill of health akin to a cancer patient on his last breath? Now the economy took a nose-dive and that coupled with the BP Gulf Oil Spill disaster has made our outlook for 2011 and beyond, miserable at best.
Now for Some Good News and Answers
The only way we see it here at Online OSHA Safety Training to get over this oily-hump once and for all and to safeguard our natural environment in the present and future is to become adequately trained. We have made it so simple to become an OSHA compliant safety training oil spill guru and the fastest way possible is to head on over to our site and see for yourself what we have done to better protect America.
Starts with You
Before you head on over to our safety training site please have a quick look at what we have created so that you can easily hand-pick a BP Gulf Oil Spill related safety training course and sign up and get busy!
We Need You!
The United States and Mother Nature needs your help, in any capacity. This is a cry for help, a cry for all those that can, do! We understand that personal, employment and other obligations can keep you away from the BP Oil Spill catastrophe, we really do. Yet the main issue here is that if we do not receive, and exponentially receive, hundreds if not thousands of adequately HAZWOPER trained workers and volunteers many more animals and eventually humans will perish.
BP Gulf Oil Spill Classes
Hazwoper 40-Hour Course
Hazwoper 24-Hour Course
Hazwoper 1st Responder Awareness (Great for Volunteers!)
Hazwoper 1st. Responder Operations Level (Great for Volunteers!)
10/30 Hour General Industry Courses!!
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