The Green Movement as well as Green Building has almost overnight altered the methods in which every business creates and updates, even retrofits to exacting and new tougher local building regulations all across this great country of ours. Due to increasingly important environmental concerns and a never-ending desire to utilize renewable resources the business of building has taken a greener turn for the better.
Online OSHA Safety Training
At Online OSHA Safety Training there are many courses that are well-steeped in greener-orientated building situations. These safety training courses are a by-product and a call for a need to educate all those that work in this burgeoning industry that is sweeping not only the United States but the world in general.
LEED Green Building Programs
To satisfy and standardize all of your compliance training needs without sacrificing valuable time and money, we here at Online OSHA Safety Training have put together some of the greatest courses in the realm of LEED Green Building programs for all who care to learn and become green-evident. The term LEED represents and details the entire green industry at large. LEED basically is an acronym for the Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design sector that regulates the green building process.
Verification of Going Green in Building Codes
LEED, as a definition, is best represented in a brief sentence; Verification that a building or community was designed and built using green only strategies when possible to improve the performance metrics such as energy savings, water efficiency, CO2 emissions reduction, improved indoor environmental quality, and stewardship of resources. In layman’s terms all that means is that LEED is a stewardship program that oversees the green building market.
Architects-Project Managers-Engineers
The individuals that normally take the courses offered at Online OSHA Safety Training in LEED technology are; Architecture, Project Management, and Engineering who will more than likely be involved in developing applications for LEED certification for their buildings.
Online OSHA Safety Training
Log onto our site at Online OSHA Safety Training and see all the specifics and generalities of an industry that is only growing and for decades if not centuries to come! Go green with Online OSHA and receive only the very best training resources from a caring, compassionate and deeply-environmentally considered health and safety training firm!
You have made it! Welcome to the all-inclusive source for compliance OSHA Training! Are you looking to show both OSHA and your employees your overall commitment to both the workers safety and compliance with Federal Workplace Safety Regulations? Then you have made the right decision by accessing Online OSHA Safety Training. On this site is everything that you will need to comply with OSHA safety compliance for general industry and the construction industry.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Online OSHA Safety Training Gets Heavenly on Safety with THE 10 Commandments of Great Safety Habits!
Have you noticed that in almost everything that you have done in the past either in your personal life or business life that you have discovered a trick in which the entire process goes smoother and quicker each and every time? And have you also noticed that as you practiced these tricks of the trade, especially in your work habits, that as time progressed you become very keen at completing the task faster and with less effort and less energy? That’s exactly what developing everyday safety habits, in which all can keep you injury-free throughout the entire year, is all about.
Ohio State University School Days
At Online OSHA Safety Training we have decided to get heavenly with you and discuss the 10 Commandments of great safety habits right here and right now. We have been practicing these very same 10 Commandments for safety goals in our own careers and jobs ever since we can remember or as far back as our college days at The Ohio State University. Now that’s dating us a bit but who’s keeping score as the only score that counts is how safe you are on-the-job each and every day and coming back home to those little Bucks!
Very Unsafe World
Without further delay let us introduce you to the first commandment that leads off the 10 Commandments of great safety habits so that you can get acclimated to what we are trying to dispense in this review of how to stay safe and alive in a very unsafe world.
•Create Your Very Own Safety Standards
Practice independent safety habits and do not be influenced by negative behaviors of others who may or may not have your best interests at heart even on the job as a team orientated group.
•Operate Equipment ONLY if Well-Qualified and Well-Trained
If you operate a piece of equipment such as huge scrapers or baggers by all means please have the sense and sensibility to first ask your supervisor to train you even if it causes a stoppage in the work flow because briefly stopping the work now will prevent a casualty or very serious injury or even death later. Use the analogy of a fisherman who secures all rods and gear before making the trip back in after a long day of fishing. The fisherman is tired and has been out in the blazing Atlantic Sun in the summer for 8-12 hours and just wants to just kick back and point the boat in the direction of the home port. What he does to prepare for the trip back is very important and keeps him safe from all lines and other hangers that could cause an eye accident or even worse. Take the few extra minutes to be safe.
•Respect Machinery
Recall that machines are not humans and have no emotions or no logical way of thinking and stopping themselves if your hand or finger happens to be in a way of moving imports that normally crush iron objects. Make certain that all safety guards are in place especially on saws and other chopping and cutting tools of the trade. Never be in such a hurry that you forget your great safety habits that you work so hard to obtain and retain and always look at your hands and count 10 fingers and think someone either up above or whoever you may pray to that you still have those at the end of each day.
•Use Your Own Initiatives for Safety Protection
Utilize your very own safety protection procedures and congratulate yourself when you do a fine day’s work without causing any injury to yourself or others on the job site, well done!
•Ask Questions All the Time
Make sure that you asked questions if you’re uncertain of anything on the job site especially when it comes to operating dangerous machinery. Recall back in the school days that there were no stupid questions and you’ll get by just fine with your own safety protocol.
•Use Care and Caution When Lifting And Think before Moving Your Body and Heavy Object Simultaneously
Know your limits and do not over extend your reach or twist your body when lifting any amount of weight. The few minutes it takes to prevent serious injury will pay off in great dividends not only on payday every Friday but throughout the course of the year with no missed workdays and all 10 fingers.
•Practice Good Housekeeping Safety Habits
The number one cause of a serious injury is by having a disorganized work area as these are breeding grounds for all types of accidents and work-related injuries each and every year on job sites throughout America.
•Wear Proper and Sensible Work Clothes and Secure Long Hair and Mullets
You’re not going to a club so avoid loose clothing, any dangling bling-bling and if you have long hair make certain that you secure those golden locks behind your head as normally ponytails will do the trick here for you.
•Wear Sturdy and Appropriate Footwear
Sturdy and appropriate footwear is a staple on most construction and/or industrial work sites throughout America and the rest of the world hopefully. Protect your feet and toes with great foot safety habits by purchasing steel-toed boots and tough leather work-appropriate footwear.
•Practice Good Personal Cleanliness - Be Mr. Clean of the Worksite
Never touch your eyes or face and especially the mouth with dirty, grimy gloves that you’ve been wearing all day. All you have to do is take the gloves off make sure you wash your hands and then you could pick and prod until the cows come home.
•Be a Positive Part of the Safety Team/ Inspiration to All That Come to the Construction Site
Be more than willing to accept and follow safety rules as these rules will save your life in the long run. We appreciate your time and patience in reading through the 10 Commandments of great safety habits and hope you have a wonderful day on the job and come back with all 20 digits. If you are ever in need of a great safety training course such as the Online OSHA 10-Hour Construction Course that will definitely accentuate your safety habits that you have learned yourself on the job then head over to Online OSHA Safety Training and get your safety training on!
Ohio State University School Days
At Online OSHA Safety Training we have decided to get heavenly with you and discuss the 10 Commandments of great safety habits right here and right now. We have been practicing these very same 10 Commandments for safety goals in our own careers and jobs ever since we can remember or as far back as our college days at The Ohio State University. Now that’s dating us a bit but who’s keeping score as the only score that counts is how safe you are on-the-job each and every day and coming back home to those little Bucks!
Very Unsafe World
Without further delay let us introduce you to the first commandment that leads off the 10 Commandments of great safety habits so that you can get acclimated to what we are trying to dispense in this review of how to stay safe and alive in a very unsafe world.
•Create Your Very Own Safety Standards
Practice independent safety habits and do not be influenced by negative behaviors of others who may or may not have your best interests at heart even on the job as a team orientated group.
•Operate Equipment ONLY if Well-Qualified and Well-Trained
If you operate a piece of equipment such as huge scrapers or baggers by all means please have the sense and sensibility to first ask your supervisor to train you even if it causes a stoppage in the work flow because briefly stopping the work now will prevent a casualty or very serious injury or even death later. Use the analogy of a fisherman who secures all rods and gear before making the trip back in after a long day of fishing. The fisherman is tired and has been out in the blazing Atlantic Sun in the summer for 8-12 hours and just wants to just kick back and point the boat in the direction of the home port. What he does to prepare for the trip back is very important and keeps him safe from all lines and other hangers that could cause an eye accident or even worse. Take the few extra minutes to be safe.
•Respect Machinery
Recall that machines are not humans and have no emotions or no logical way of thinking and stopping themselves if your hand or finger happens to be in a way of moving imports that normally crush iron objects. Make certain that all safety guards are in place especially on saws and other chopping and cutting tools of the trade. Never be in such a hurry that you forget your great safety habits that you work so hard to obtain and retain and always look at your hands and count 10 fingers and think someone either up above or whoever you may pray to that you still have those at the end of each day.
•Use Your Own Initiatives for Safety Protection
Utilize your very own safety protection procedures and congratulate yourself when you do a fine day’s work without causing any injury to yourself or others on the job site, well done!
•Ask Questions All the Time
Make sure that you asked questions if you’re uncertain of anything on the job site especially when it comes to operating dangerous machinery. Recall back in the school days that there were no stupid questions and you’ll get by just fine with your own safety protocol.
•Use Care and Caution When Lifting And Think before Moving Your Body and Heavy Object Simultaneously
Know your limits and do not over extend your reach or twist your body when lifting any amount of weight. The few minutes it takes to prevent serious injury will pay off in great dividends not only on payday every Friday but throughout the course of the year with no missed workdays and all 10 fingers.
•Practice Good Housekeeping Safety Habits
The number one cause of a serious injury is by having a disorganized work area as these are breeding grounds for all types of accidents and work-related injuries each and every year on job sites throughout America.
•Wear Proper and Sensible Work Clothes and Secure Long Hair and Mullets
You’re not going to a club so avoid loose clothing, any dangling bling-bling and if you have long hair make certain that you secure those golden locks behind your head as normally ponytails will do the trick here for you.
•Wear Sturdy and Appropriate Footwear
Sturdy and appropriate footwear is a staple on most construction and/or industrial work sites throughout America and the rest of the world hopefully. Protect your feet and toes with great foot safety habits by purchasing steel-toed boots and tough leather work-appropriate footwear.
•Practice Good Personal Cleanliness - Be Mr. Clean of the Worksite
Never touch your eyes or face and especially the mouth with dirty, grimy gloves that you’ve been wearing all day. All you have to do is take the gloves off make sure you wash your hands and then you could pick and prod until the cows come home.
•Be a Positive Part of the Safety Team/ Inspiration to All That Come to the Construction Site
Be more than willing to accept and follow safety rules as these rules will save your life in the long run. We appreciate your time and patience in reading through the 10 Commandments of great safety habits and hope you have a wonderful day on the job and come back with all 20 digits. If you are ever in need of a great safety training course such as the Online OSHA 10-Hour Construction Course that will definitely accentuate your safety habits that you have learned yourself on the job then head over to Online OSHA Safety Training and get your safety training on!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Online OSHA Safety Training Introspective–Post Accident Responsibility

The OSHA training experts over at Online OSHA Safety Training thought it would be a great idea to speak a little bit about the direction of responsibility after an accident has occurred on the job. This covers the entire construction and general industry sector along with environmental hazards such as the BP Gulf oil spill and other calamities that have affected the United States in remorseful ways.
Committed to Safety Training
Online OSHA Safety Training is committed to the educating of all workers who report daily to any job site anywhere in the country. Since safety is everyone’s goal it is within the realm of safety in general, that an offer of acceptance for the accident or injury can be discovered. The importance of locating the individual in which to point the finger or lay the blame is about as imperative as having a Grand Jury weigh in on the blaming of who spilt the milk.
Online OSHA Safety Training Experts Agree
The responsibility for an accident can be looked at in a number of ways with the most direct way being the path that Online OSHA Safety Training experts agree to be the best. This is in reference to becoming a detective of sorts directly after the accident has occurred to go over the area and the action of the worker and identify any safety issues that could have and should have been notated and averted well beforehand.
Human Nature to Desire to Blame
We need to reiterate that while it may be human nature to want to point the finger at someone and cite blame for an accident this is not nearly as important as what steps need to be taken so that in the future similar accidents do not become commonplace. In the same breath we must admit to the randomness of accidents and also state that only by controlling every variable and environmental option can a 100% construction or general industry calamity be avoided. In other words in the normal day of business as usual accidents are bound to happen. The real question is just how much of a degree of safety will be enough to constitute a safe working environment?
Safety Becoming More Commonplace
In this day and age of safety becoming more commonplace and more companies getting involved with safety training it is always important to select only the best. Safety training courses such as the ever-popular and fascinating OSHA 10 Hour or OSHA 30 Hour Hazwoper safety training courses are in vague today with the BP Gulf oil spill leaking and gushing its way into the fourth month of environmental tragedy.
Leader Offering Safety Training Courses across the Internet and the United States of America
Online OSHA Safety Training is a leader in the organization and offering of safety training courses across the Internet and the United States of America. The importance of safety training cannot be underestimated and coupled with the recent exposure of just how important safety training modules are to the individuals who are employed on work sites as well as the residents that surround and work and live within these work sites the issue of safety has never been more valuable.
Accidents may Happen
As we return to the site of the accident we noticed that there was some oily rags on the concrete floor which signified that a miniature oil spill had occurred and somebody, either the individual who was hurt in the accident or another worker who came before him, attempted to clean up the spill site and did just about as good as job as BP is doing in the BP Gulf oil spill! This is the type of detective work that must be mandatory for the safety and health advisor in order to start to whittle down the likely suspects and causes of the accident and to make certain that in the future certain safety and workplace variables can be deleted from the entire commercial and private industrial sector as well as construction sites across this great land of ours.
Become a Detective
Other than investigating the accident that has just recently occurred to find out what caused this near-tragedy to occur it is important to understand that pointing a finger never does anyone any good. There’s an old saying at Online OSHA Safety Training and that involves safety being everyone’s responsibility but when an unsafe act occurs that act needs to be addressed and made aware to the entire company so that the next day the same accident does not occur. In our model accident with the oily rags this was the cause of the slip and fall accident which resulted in the worker being sent to a hospital with a mild concussion. As this is only a hypothetical demonstration of what could happen on a worksite that could have been averted if only the proper channels were made well-aware of the world’s littlest oil spill.
Importance of Doing Safety Check Correctly
This example shows the importance of doing the job right, especially the company-wide and all-affecting spill or misplaced item(s) or if the task cannot be 100% completed by the employee then supervisors are to be made aware with assistance inquiring being of optimum importance.
Online OSHA Safety Training
In closing we would have to say that the responsibility of safety after an accident rest solely on the mismanagement of ability to adequately train the workers in all realms of safety training courses. This can only be done with the sincerest cooperation and guidance from a safety and health training firm such as Online OSHA Safety Training. Get them trained and get them safe!
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